What extent did FDR’s New Deal succeed in mitigating the Great Depression? To that end, what were some of the underlying causes of the Great Depression? How did FDR’s response differ from Herbert Hoover’s response?

Unit 2 Exam

The United States experienced an era of conservative politics and anti-immigrant attitudes during the 1920s while experiencing tremendous economic growth.

It’s also a period shrouded in myth and stereotypes. Did the 1920s “roar” for all Americans — why or why not? Use examples from lectures and readings to describe the general political, economic, and social climate of the US during the 1920s.

FDR’s New Deal was met with fierce resistance by critics of his day, not unlike progressive political agendas of today, some of which we read and discussed in class.

What extent did FDR’s New Deal succeed in mitigating the Great Depression? To that end, what were some of the underlying causes of the Great Depression? How did FDR’s response differ from Herbert Hoover’s response?

How did needy Americans get help before 1900?Why did most states adopt “mother’s pension” programs after 1910? In what ways were these pensions sometimes administered unfairly?

Answer the following questions

1. How did needy Americans get help before 1900?
2. Why did most states adopt “mother’s pension” programs after 1910? In what ways were these pensions sometimes administered unfairly?
3. Did President Franklin D. Roosevelt view the Social Security Act’s welfare provisions helping needy children and other dependent persons as permanent or temporary? Explain FDR’s reasoning on t

How well do you think FDR’s New Deal and Second New Deal addressed the fundamental problems in American society that caused the Great Depression? Many historians argue that it was only WWII that brought the US out of the Great Depression, do you agree?

Lesson Module Six Discussion Forum

Answer the following prompt: The 1920’s ushered in a sense of an “American way of life” built upon business, consumerism, and prosperity. The Great Depression revealed that not all Americans could realize that American way of life.

How well do you think FDR’s New Deal and Second New Deal addressed the fundamental problems in American society that caused the Great Depression? Many historians argue that it was only WWII that brought the US out of the Great Depression, do you agree? And finally, although the United States was fighting in a war to ensure “essential human freedoms” for the world, how did the United States deal with domestic issues at home during the war?

These are examples of the way the professor would like you to cite (McPherson article, pg. 26) (Lecture Lesson Module Two, The American West) (Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois on Black Progress). Source 1: http://www.americanyawp.com/text/24-world-war-ii/