How has each source been impacted by the current crisis, and what should policy makers do to address the shortfall in receipts that is likely to occur in the upcoming fiscal years? How does the provision below that was included in the American Recovery Plan impact these choices?

How States and localities will manage through this crisis is dependent upon their prior fiscal choices. What are the differences between what the Federal government can do, and what the states and localities can do? What are the implications? You should discuss why these differences matter.

How has the current crisis impact this vital account of the US population? What are areas of fiscal health that the States and local governments should

be concerned about? What will be some of the challenges?

Based on your knowledge of why grants exist, and how they are calculated, how would you alter some of the formulas being used to distribute aid?

What recommendations should policy makers consider ensuring that the States that have been hardest hit by the crisis are compensated? Alternatively, if you believe it is not up to the Federal government to support these states with additional relief, defend your position and offer alternatives for revenues that the State should consider.

President Biden Outlines Plan for Additional Coronavirus-Related Relief and Stimulus

(5) Fiscal choices determine the mix of revenues that a State relies on to fund their budget on an annual basis. Describe the primary sources of revenues that the States rely on, noting if they are progressive, regressive or proportional (explaining each).

How has each source been impacted by the current crisis, and what should policy makers do to address the shortfall in receipts that is likely to occur in the upcoming fiscal years? How does the provision below that was included in the American Recovery Plan impact these choices?

ARPA’s Tax Cuts Limitation Is a Problem for More States Than You Think

Write 3 Paragraphs on how the Articles of Confederation interests me.

AP US1 Final

Write 3 Paragraphs on how the Articles of Confederation interests me.

The Articles of Confederation (1777)
Congress (Federal government) limited by common fear of tyrannical central power→States retain sovereignty
Only state governments had power to tax → federal government printed more money leading to inflation
Economic problems : No power to levy tariffs → American merchants hurt by foreign competition
Spain cut off Mississippi R. & France demanded repayment of loans
No power to draft troops → weak army dependent on militias

Explain how it conflicts with policies of the federal government. Does the particular state policy appear to have support outside its home state? Is it likely that other state governments or even the federal government will adopt this policy in the future?

Policy Experimentation

One of the benefits of federalism is policy experimentation at the state level; such experimentation, however, often leads to conflict between state and national governments.

Find a controversial example of state policy innovation, and explain how it conflicts with policies of the federal government. Does the particular state policy appear to have support outside its home state? Is it likely that other state governments or even the federal government will adopt this policy in the future?

Be sure that the state policy you choose is in clear conflict with laws of the federal government (some possible examples include: assisted suicide in Oregon; recreational marijuana in Colorado).

Assignment Guidelines

Your essay should be roughly 2-3 pages in length (double-spaced), 12pt font, 1 inch margins. upload your essay in .doc format. Also,  copy and paste the text of your essay into the comments box as well.

What do you conclude about how they reacted to COVID-19?In which circumstances would they use the opposite policy of your selection?

United States Government reacted and dealt with the outbreak of COVID-19

Students conduct a policy research paper on how the United States Government reacted and dealt with the outbreak of COVID-19 and its devastating effects on human and economic costs.Your research consists of looking into HOW the President of the federal government and the Federal Reserve Chairman used their institution to help peoples in dire need. Students can evaluate the outgoing government’s works and the hope inspired by the incoming government plan and its implementation.

1. What do you call the policy each of them conducted?

2. Indicate if you consider their reaction as an expansionist/contractionary policy.

3. In which circumstances would they use the opposite policy of your selection?

4. What do you conclude about how they reacted to COVID-19?

Optional reference:

Federal Government Responses to COVID-19 (Links to an external site.),_2020

The paper should be a maximum of 500 words, MLA or APA style, and use at least three outside sources.
Writing Process Note (optional)

1-Write your four questions on your scratch paper. Visit the provided site to collect information for your paper focusing on the four questions.

2- Conduct more research on both administrations (Trump & Biden).

3- Analyze your collection to see if your research covers the four questions.

Then, write your first draft respecting the traditional format: Introduction – Body – Conclusion (consult the syllabus).

Observe paper length and chosen style (MLA/APA) during the drafting.

4- Review your draft and submit your draft and make necessary corrections before submitting your final draft.
Good luck.