What is the meaning of this degree for me?Has USU provided a rich, varied learning environment through technology, pedagogy, quality of instructors?

Week 7: Portfolio Assignment 6 – MQID Reflection Essay

1. What is the meaning of this degree for me?

2. Will it bring a new meaning to my life?

3. Has the degree exposed me to a different view of life?

4. Will it help me succeed with my professional goals?

Quality of the Degree

5. Has USU provided a rich, varied learning environment through technology, pedagogy, quality of instructors?

6. Has the degree exposed me to new knowledge?

7. Has the degree challenged me? Has it improved my critical thinking?

Integrity of the Degree

11. Has your performance been assessed by the instructors? Has the feedback been helpful?

12. Has the self-assessment of the attainment of the Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) been helpful?

13. Were professional ethics addressed?