Evidence on the extent and severity of the problem of pedestrian fatalities in Wisconsin. Hint: to establish extent and severity, use baselines. Compare the rate of distracted driving injury/fatalities in Wisconsin to other states, to other causes of vehicular fatality in Wisconsin. Note whether the problem is getting better or worse.

Policy Memo 3

Specifically, your memo should discuss the following:

1.) Evidence on the extent and severity of the problem of pedestrian fatalities in Wisconsin. Hint: to establish extent and severity, use baselines. Compare the rate of distracted driving injury/fatalities in Wisconsin to other states, to other causes of vehicular fatality in Wisconsin. Note whether the problem is getting better or worse.

2.) Evidence on one or more likely causes of these fatalities, if any exists.

3.) Evidence on the effects of at least two policy interventions that have been shown to contribute to a substantive and statistically significant decrease in pedestrian fatalities.

Your memo should incorporate your knowledge of how to communicate effectively about statistics. You should also provide full citations (in Chicago Manual of Style footnotes) to credible sources of information on each of these questions. These citations will not count towards the final word count.

Write a memo in which you give the Mayor advice on how his Administration can improve the design and/or implementation of DC’s performance management system. Be specific in indicating what you like (or don’t like) about how agency managers have used performance measures thus far.

Policy memo

You are a senior adviser to Mayor Williams. The Mayor believes that line managers in agencies such as the DMV and Consumer & Regulatory Affairs could make even better use of performance measures to enhance the quality of DC public services and improve life in the city.

Write a memo in which you give the Mayor advice on how his Administration can improve the design and/or implementation of DC’s performance management system. Be specific in indicating what you like (or don’t like) about how agency managers have used performance measures thus far.

Two written decision memo assignments.