Describe your beliefs (i.e., what they are) toward categories of difference and how the significant social institutions in your life (ex: family, school, religion, media) have influenced them.

Self Belief Paper

The purpose of this paper is to identify your own values and beliefs toward categories of difference and demonstrate critical thinking in describing how those values and beliefs may impact your ability to function effectively in a diverse social environment. Assignment meets Core Competencies 1.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.2

The paper should be 8-10 pages in length, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, 12-point font. Use the below five categories of difference to structure (i.e., section) the paper.

Describe your beliefs (i.e., what they are) toward categories of difference and how the significant social institutions in your life (ex: family, school, religion, media) have influenced them. Address each category of difference:
Ethnic or racial heritage
Socioeconomic group (income, education)
Sexual orientation
People with disabilities
For each, describe how your beliefs toward these categories of difference have changed over your life course and any significant event, relationship, or person that influenced the change.
For each, identify and discuss any biases you have toward these categories of difference, and how your biases could influence the ways you interact with members of those groups.

Describe the development of your beliefs and attitudes towards difference (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, class, religion, sexual orientation, abilities).How do those biases influence the ways in which you interact with members of those groups?

Critical Relection Paper

This paper should be no less than 8 pages consisting of:

Section 1: Background:

Describe the development of your beliefs and attitudes towards difference (e.g., race, ethnicity,
gender, class, religion, sexual orientation, abilities). Include how you believe they were shaped
by factors such as:
Ethnic or racial heritage
Gender and sexual orientation
Socioeconomic group

Country/ Region

Religious beliefs or affiliation

Socio-political influences

What kind of messages (spoken or unspoken) did you get about people who were similar to you
and those who were different from you in those categories?

Section 2: Current Assessment:

Describe your current beliefs and attitudes towards difference (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender,
class, religion, sexual orientation, abilities). Respond to the following:

Have you chosen to retain those of your upbringing or have you modified or replaced

Identify and discuss biases you now have regarding groups different from yourself (those
distinguished from your ethnic or racial heritage, gender, sexual orientation, abilities,
income, religious beliefs or affiliation).

How do those biases influence the ways in which you interact with members of those

Were you particularly interested in or surprised by any of the information/feelings you
may have uncovered while completing this assignment?

Section 3: How do your past experiences affect your work?

Your life experiences influence the manner in which you interact with people and perform your
role as a professional.

Your experiences and attitudes can be powerful tools to enhance your
competence or can be stumbling blocks in your work with people. Assess your cultural
competence by responding to the following:

Examine your knowledge about and attitudes toward difference and identify any deficits.

Examine your strengths – have your particular experiences, knowledge and attitudes
made you sensitive/ concerned/empathetic/ aware/ engaged?

Make note of any of your own attitudes that make you uncomfortable or which you feel
you need to improve.

How do you plan to enhance your cultural competence?

Discuss issues of oppression that work to undermine the academic performance of African American students in elementary education.(ideological, institutional, interpersonal, internalized )

Academic performance of African American students in elementary education

Discuss issues of oppression that work to undermine the academic performance of African American students in elementary education.(ideological, institutional, interpersonal, internalized )

-How educational leaders are complicit in upholding inequities.

– What roles do educational leaders’ social location (race, class, gender, and sexual orientation, etc.) shape their mind about leadership, teaching and learning the students/families/communities they serve on a daily basis.