How important is Ukrainian language for you? On which occasions do you use it? Do you want to teach it to your children? Has the importance of language changed for you in light of the Russian invasion?

The civic engagement of Ukrainian community in Germany during the Russo-Ukrainian war

How did the war in Ukraine affect the world?What are the policy goals and objectives of peace organizations?

Thank you so much for taking your time for this interview! Which city are you from and where do you live now?

Now when you are not in your motherland what do you miss the most?

What are your strongest memories about Ukraine?

How important is Ukrainian language for you? On which occasions do you use it? Do you want to teach it to your children? Has the importance of language changed for you in light of the Russian invasion?

What are the strongest Ukrainian symbols for you? How would you describe a typical Ukrainian?

II. Many Ukrainians with no prior experience with volunteering started actively engaging with collecting donations and participating at demonstrations. What has your experience been like with this?

How can one help Ukraine while abroad? Does the country where you currently live and its citizens help and how? What are the biggest problems migrants are facing in that country?

How to keep the information focus of the international community on Ukraine and to attract more support? What do you do to not burn out and have the strength to help others?

What does this war mean personally to you? How has it changed you and society? Is there anything else you would like to add? And what’s one message you would like to convey to European citizens