What are the differences in the #’s); then from the district to the campus.Analyze/compare numerical data between the state, district, and campus student demographics and programs

2019-20 Texas Academic Performance Report on the STARR district, state, and campus student demographics

For this report, am using the STARR TAPR reports to look for the DEMOGRAPHICS of the students(age, education level, race, etc.) and programs provided (bilingual, ESL, special education, gifted, etc.). The focus is to compare the data from the state, to the district (what are the differences in the #’s); then from the district to the campus. The goal is to analyze the numbers in order to tell a story about the district and campus.

For the district TAPR pdf attached, the student demographics begin in page 23

For the state TAPR pdf attached, the student demographics begin in page 21

For the campus TAPR pdf attached, the student demographics begin in page 18

No resources are needed; only use the attached TAPR pdfs to analyze/compare numerical data between the state, district, and campus student demographics and programs