What opportunities can the organization invest in to achieve future growth or development?How can they shore up their weaknesses?What threats do they need to monitor and why?

SWOT Analysis

Create a SWOT analysis using the same company you selected in Week 1 – (AMAZON).

Identify at least one strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat. Consider the following:

What steps can they take to build on their strengths?

How can they shore up their weaknesses?

What opportunities can the organization invest in to achieve future growth or development?

What threats do they need to monitor and why?

Be sure to cite at least (4) outside resources that support your answer.

Research examples for each component of the SWOT segments, but DO NOT recite a SWOT analysis already conducted. Examples of websites that will not be accepted include: , , , and any resource providing prepared SWOT analysis.

Include a standard SWOT quad matrix (properly captioned to APA, e.g., ‘Table 1. Company-X SWOT Matrix’) to use as reference to the four key sections of your paper of S-W-O-T, plus the introduction and conclusion sections).

APA formatting is required.

Paper should include a title page, main body, (i.e., 3-5 pages double spaced and include Introduction, analysis with summarizing SWOT matrix, conclusion), and References page(s).