What role, according to the Index report, did the Coronavirus pandemic play in this decline? Should questions curbing liberties always be put to the public, even during an international crisis like a pandemic? Or are there times when “elite democracy” is justified? Be sure to include examples and support from the 2020 Democracy Index and your course text in your response (Democracy Index Report available under “Pages” on Canvas).

Writing Assignment 1

Writing Assignment 1 Answer the following question after completing required course readings. Responses should be 2-3 pages in length, typed, double-spaced, use 10-12 pt. font and normal margins.

According to the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index 2020, for the first time since the Index’s inception, democracy declined across all regions of the world.

What role, according to the Index report, did the Coronavirus pandemic play in this decline? Should questions curbing liberties always be put to the public, even during an international crisis like a pandemic? Or are there times when “elite democracy” is justified? Be sure to include examples and support from the 2020 Democracy Index and your course text in your response (Democracy Index Report available under “Pages” on Canvas).