Why is the order of the blocks randomised as opposed to counterbalanced in the experiment on semantic priming? And are the trials within each block randomised?

Statistical Methods (Statistical Psychology)

Would you mind explaining the difference between lexical decision task and semantic decision task?

What are the types of semantic relationship (synonyms, antonyms, conceptual associates, etc.) this practical looking at?

What is the “lifetime of semantic priming effects”?

What is the difference between masked prime technique and single presentation technique / What is a masked priming paradigm?
o A paradigm where a prime is presented in a very short period of time. Masked priming has additional visual noise between the prime and the decision to be made. I.e. prime, hash keys, then word is presented that you need to make a judgement about

Were the words (targets and primes) taken from a previous study and if so, will we be provided with the reference?

What was the sampling method used?

If the data was collected last year was it conducted in the school of psychology’s computer room or at home in the participant’s own time? take it if it was conducted at uni Pavlovia wasn’t used either?

What was used to administer the study? was it pavlovia or just psychopy?

The procedure section of the report guide says we need to explain how the IV was controlled.  can you explain what that means in the context of this experiment?

How do you screenshot in PsychoPy? I am trying to make figures for example stimuli but PsychoPy won’t let me screenshot during the experiment.

Why is the order of the blocks randomised as opposed to counterbalanced in the experiment on semantic priming? And are the trials within each block randomised?

What are the sequence of timing for this practical from the masking to answering the questions / Were there time limit for answering the questions / How long were the hashtags and target words presented for in the experimental trials?