Find a source with high P.A.A.R.C. score to use in Essay:Explain 2-3 key points/quotes that you think are important in the source

High P.A.A.R.C Addiction Article

To start finding credible sources with high P.A.A.R.C. ratings for your research addiction essay to share with classmates.

Find a source with high P.A.A.R.C. score to use in Essay


1. View the ” Library Source Search Video Lesson”

(here is the link)

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Password- Dominic134!

2. Find a source you plan to use in your essay with a decent P.A.A.R.C CHART
( the chart has been attach for your review)

3.Jot down the title and the author’s name

4. Explain 2-3 key points/quotes that you think are important in the source

5. Record all 5r P.A.A.R.C. scores with a 2-3 sentence explanation for each score

6. Create a hyper link so peers can easily access your source: