Explain and support your answer with current issues (for example, immigration, public safety, education, health care, drug abuse, conservation, poverty, women in the workforce, or increase in out-of wedlock births).

Social Issues In Modern Society

Choose at least three social problems or domestic issues today that have the largest impact on society. The paper should contain three detailed paragraphs, one for each problem or issue. Explain and support your answer with current issues (for example, immigration, public safety, education, health care, drug abuse, conservation, poverty, women in the workforce, or increase in out-of wedlock births).

Write a half page synopsis of a nationally or internationally recognized CONSERVATIONIST. Include the WHO, what they did, and when of their contribution.


Write a half page synopsis of a nationally or internationally recognized CONSERVATIONIST. Include the WHO, what they did, and when of their contribution.

It could be Wildlife conservation, fish or rivers conservation, preservation of a wilderness area or natural resource area, contribution to a field, like forestry or wildlife management, Bird Conservation, Marine Conservation, etc.