What are the pathways U.S. women veterans take to enter the justice system?Under what circumstances or conditions do women veterans face challenges connecting to resources to successfully transition out of the justice system?

Challenges Faced By Justice-Involved Women Veterans in Los Angeles County
Research Question:

What are the pathways U.S. women veterans take to enter the justice system?

Under what circumstances or conditions do women veterans face challenges connecting to resources to successfully transition out of the justice system?

Identify life circumstances that can trigger financial stress.Identify other conditions that can be exacerbated by financial stress.

Module 9: Financial and Social Stress

Identify life circumstances that can trigger financial stress.
name where and how an individual’s “money story” develops.

Identify other conditions that can be exacerbated by financial stress.
name the three categories of social stress.

Identify various types of social stress.

Identify with them. Think about how you want your characters to develop. Do they change in response to changed circumstances, or are they the same at the end of the narrative as they were in the beginning?

Think about your characters’ motives, their strengths, and their flaws, and what might make readers able to identify with them. Think about how you want your characters to develop. Do they change in response to changed circumstances, or are they the same at the end of the narrative as they were in the beginning?