Analyze how leadership influences performance in a diverse organization.Explain how leaders are developed and equipped for organizational shifts and changes.

Analyze how leadership influences performance in a diverse organization.

Assess the differences between charismatic leadership and transformational leadership.

Explain how leaders are developed and equipped for organizational shifts and changes.

Evaluate how leaders use 360-degree feedback to improve their work performances.

Differentiate how the situational leadership model and the normative decision model impact leadership effectiveness.

Explain the significance of different types of leadership theories.

Analyze how leaders foster employee motivation and morale in an ever-changing workforce.

Develop a comprehensive personal leadership training plan that utilizes different leadership techniques.

Describe your motivation for applying to the White House Fellows program, what you consider to be your major strengths and qualifications for the program, and what benefits you feel are likely to result for society from your participation.

Describe your motivation for applying to the White House Fellows program, what you consider to be your major strengths and qualifications for the program, and what benefits you feel are likely to result for society from your participation.

Discuss why these motivational techniques are appropriate choices and what the desired outcomes might be.

Employee motivation

Choose three of the following motivational theories to research for this assessment:

Goal-setting theory.

Control theory.

Action theory (Rubicon theory).


Maslow’s need theory.

Reinforcement theory.

Vroom’s VIE theory.

Equity theory.

Write a 4-5 page speech that addresses the following:

Introduce yourself and the topic you are to address.

Briefly explain at the three motivational theories you researched for this assessment.

Simulate a short question-and-answer interview with a hypothetical audience member who raises his or her hand in response to your query, “Who in the audience feels unmotivated in their current job?”

Construct the information you need to make a proper decision on what motivational theory to apply to the particular situation.

Include the audience member’s job title, work responsibilities, attitude toward management and coworkers, stressors, and professional goals.

Analyze the relevant attitudes and motivations of the hypothetical employee based on the information you collected above.

Apply two motivational techniques from the literature (for example, contingent rewards, job enrichment, or feedback) in the context of the characteristics of the situation.

Suggest an action plan to be considered by both the employer and employee to increase motivation. Be sure to apply research findings to support your discussion.

Discuss why these motivational techniques are appropriate choices and what the desired outcomes might be.