What is the streak color of most of the nonmetallic minerals?Hematite, limonite and magnetite are all iron rusts. How can you use streak to distinguish between these 3 minerals?

Describe in your own words what a mineral’s LUSTER is:

Describe in your own words what a mineral’s STREAK is:

Describe in your own words what a mineral’s HARDNESS is (This YOUTUBE VIDEO will also help with your answer):

Describe in your own words what a mineral’s CLEAVAGE AND FRACTURE is:

Describe in your own words what a mineral’s CRYSTAL FORM is:

Describe in your own words what a mineral’s SPECIFIC GRAVITY is:

Describe in your own words what a mineral’s COLOR is:

Describe in your own words what each of the following SPECIAL PROPERTIES are:
a. Taste:
b. Opacity:
c. Magnetism:
d. Elasticity/Flexibility:
e. Smell:
f. Striations:
g. Feel:

Describe in your own words the 4 step process for mineral identification
a. STEP 1:
b. STEP 2:
c. STEP 3:
d. STEP 4:
Of the minerals that display a metallic luster, list 3 that appear ‘shiny’ like metal
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
c. _______________________

Of the minerals that display a metallic luster, list 3 that appear ‘dull’ like metal rust or tarnish.
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
c. _______________________

What is the streak color of most of the nonmetallic minerals?

Hematite, limonite and magnetite are all iron rusts. How can you use streak to distinguish between these 3 minerals?

What would be 2 simple tests you could use to tell the difference between gypsum and calcite?
a. _________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________