Evaluate requirements of current quality and safety initiatives for how they promote the culture of safety in healthcareorganizations

This assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

Evaluate appropriate methods of healthcare data collection and interpretation for informing organizational decisionmaking

Assess healthcare performance improvement initiatives for addressing gaps in organizational performance

Evaluate requirements of current quality and safety initiatives for how they promote the culture of safety in healthcare organizations

Formulate communication and teamwork strategies in quality management that engage diverse stakeholders within healthcareorganizations

Evaluate information management systems and patient care technologies that promote healthcare quality

What is the most important characteristic for effective leadership? (List the five most important characteristics and then make a case for the most important of these five.)

The Ideal Leader

Consider your existing convictions about ideal leaders in light of the readings and resources you have explored thus far in this course.Construct a short 2-page (500 words) APA styled paper guided by the following questions:
• Think of a good leader that you have known, what makes that person an effective leader?

• What is the most important characteristic for effective leadership? (List the five most important characteristics and then make a case for the most important of these five.)

• Do you feel that leadership can be learned, or is it an innate skill?

• How do/should effective leaders work with and participate in teams?

• What career-related questions or concerns do you have as nurses with regard to leadership?


8 Major Leadership theories: Strengths, Weaknesses and Examples

Two attached PDF files

Discuss to what extent you believe things to be better or worse in the present day for businesses in general. To what extent do you think his predictions held true since 1953?

The Evolution of Business Ethics

One nice thing about this course is that you will find your background reading page rather short—but there will still be a respectable amount of reading to do. The reason is that you will be using a textbook for your Case Assignments. Well, it’s actually more of a narrative of the history of Lockheed Martin’s (LM) ethics program than an actual textbook.The first part of the text provides a general history of the company and also provides the setting for the creation of the company’s ethics program. Military contractors like LM tend to find themselves in the unique position of manufacturing weapons of war which they sell for a profit. But those weapons also provide a military superiority that helps to protect our troops in the field.With this said,read pages 1-48 for this module from the following book in the Trident Online Library:Terris, D. (2013). Ethics at work: Creating virtue at an American corporation. Waltham, MA:  Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.For your SLP assignment you will be asked to spend some time reviewing an article on stakeholder management. Stakeholder management is foundational to the practice of business ethics. This is because typically when a company player does something unethical, stakeholders are the ones impacted. As always, some stakeholders may benefit and others may lose, but stakeholders will always be involved. Balancing stakeholder concerns is subsequently an important aspect of ethical decision making. This article provides a good overview of stakeholder management.Howitt, M., & McManus, J. (2012). Stakeholder management: An instrument for decision making. Management Services, 56(3), 29-34. Retrieved from Trident Online Library (ProQuest).Harrison, J. S., & Wicks, A. C. (2013). Stakeholder theory, value, and firm performance. Business Ethics Quarterly, 23(1), 97-124. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

Required Reading
Bossuyt, S., & Patrick, V. K. (2018). Assertiveness Bias in Gender Ethics Research: Why Women Deserve the Benefit of the Doubt. Journal of Business Ethics, 150(3), 727-739. Available in the Trident Online Library.Terris, D. (2005). Ethics at work: Creating virtue at an American corporation. Waltham, MA:. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.Howitt, M., & McManus, J. (2012). Stakeholder management: An instrument for decision making. Management Services, 56(3), 29-34. Retrieved from Trident Online Library (ProQuest).Harrison, J. S., & Wicks, A. C. (2013). Stakeholder theory, value, and firm performance. Business Ethics Quarterly, 23(1), 97-124. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.Emerson, W. M., Alves, H., & Raposo, M. (2011). Stakeholder theory: Issues to resolve. Management Decision, 49(2), 226-252.Stieb, J. A. (2009). Assessing Freeman's stakeholder theory. Journal of Business Ethics, 87(3), 401-414.Vlachos, P. A., Panagopoulos, N. G., & Rapp, A. A. (2013). Feeling good by doing good: Employee CSR-induced attributions, job satisfaction, and the role of charismatic leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 118(3), 577-588.Schweitzer, M. E., & Gibson, D. E. (2008). Fairness, feelings, and ethical decision-making: Consequences of violating community standards of fairness. Journal of Business Ethics, 77(3), 287.The following tutorial provides detailed information that can be applied to the topics of this course. There are a number of videos and lessons on ethics.  review the materials in this tutorial and save the tutorial for your future assignments. (At the end of the tutorial, there is an “exercise” that is NOT required for you to complete.)

Do You Have to Be an Expert to Practice Ethics?

Assignment Overview
The first part of your reading in Daniel Terris’ book will include an overview of Lockheed Martin’s organization and will lay out the research plan that Terris used to obtain information necessary for his work. This will be followed by a general overview of the evolution of business ethics in America.

Case Assignment
Based on your readings, describe what you consider to be the responsibility of top leadership in a large organization with respect to reaching a balance between profits and stakeholder concerns.

support your position by giving some examples from the text or from other sources where CEOs did a good or poor job of finding this balance.

Terris discusses the history of business ethics in America since the late 1800s with respect to anti-competitive practices, seeking unfair advantage through immoral arrangements with suppliers and public officials, failing to adhere to laws and regulations, and lack of transparency.

Discuss to what extent you believe things to be better or worse in the present day for businesses in general.

On page 41, Terris discusses the ideas of Howard Bowen regarding the evolution of social responsibility of businesses.

To what extent do you think his predictions held true since 1953?
Assignment Expectations

APA Points:

According to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, there are three reasons why we need to use proper citations and references.

They are:

“To ensure the accuracy of scientific knowledge” (p.11). – How do we know if what you are reading is really the truth? We can look at the citation and the reference and do further research to make sure what you are reading and what you are basing your research on is correct.“To protect the rights and welfare of research participants” (p.11). – People deserve to get credit for their work. When you earn a degree and go on to do research, you will want credit for the work you have published.“To protect intellectual property rights” (p.11). – When we refer to inventions, we should give credit to the person who invented the item, trademarked the item, or developed a design. This protects their work.A reference system also allows the reader to use the in-text citation and reference page to find out how to do further research when they find a topic of interest. It can save a lot of time.As educated students, we should know the APA Style rules and work to perfect them.Below are three common mistakes that cost Trident Students. Reviewing these examples should help you improve your grade and also make future assignments easier.

APA Point 1: Where does the period go?

The use of a period. The period indicates the end of a sentence. However, if we put the period before the in-text citation, we are actually beginning the next sentence with the citation. Therefore, the period goes after the citation. Another misuse of the period is putting it before the citation and another after the citation. This is not correct. The period goes after the in-text citation.

Example: Intercultural Communication is quite important in how we deal with individuals from different Countries and even from different neighborhoods of our cities (Pearson, 2015b). – Notice where the period is.

APA Point 2: Do we need to use Quotation Marks?

When using information word for word from someone else’s work, quotation marks are necessary. This example illustrates the use of quoted material at the end of the sentence, followed by a citation and reference. The reference will also include the page numbers.

Example: When we are writing a Negative Letter, there are numerous authors who recommend starting the letters with a buffer. Remember, “Openings for negative messages are often called Buffer Beginnings because they are designed to buffer the negative message that will follow” (Bowman, 2002, p. 1).

APA Point 3: Arranging entries on a reference list.

Once again as we dive into our Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, we get guidance on how to arrange our references on the reference page. “Arrange entries in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author followed by initials of the author’s given name” (p. 181). One may ask why. When there are two or three references, it does not make a great amount of difference. But with numerous references, it is much easier if we arrange the references by the author’s last name. Remember, one of the purposes of a reference page is to help readers find additional information. If there are 10 or more references listed in random order, it is difficult to find the appropriate reference. So let’s use the alphabetical ordering.

Your paper should be double-spaced and in 12-point type size.

Your paper should have a separate cover page and a separate reference page containing the full citations corresponding to the in-text citations you choose to use in the body of your paper.So in addition to the 4- to 5-page body of your paper you will have a title page and a reference page.So overall, you will be submitting a 6- to 7-page document.

Use APA style, and proofread your paper.

Upload your paper by the end of the module.

What are examples of objects that were originally housed in the Hagia Sophia?consider how monuments can be impacted by history?

Purposing of the Hagia Sophia since the days of Justinian

Let’s consider the re-purposing of the Hagia Sophia since the days of Justinian the following video as they discuss this structure’s history.

From Byzantine church to mosque to museum, how does this change our reading of this space?

Using an example of another structure, consider how monuments can be impacted by history?

What are examples of objects that were originally housed in the Hagia Sophia?

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRPp3jzv1Tw

Discuss the roles played by the Classical style of Greece and Rome and the formalistic style of the East in the development of Byzantine art.

The Classical style of Greece and Rome

Discuss the roles played by the Classical style of Greece and Rome and the formalistic style of the East in the development of Byzantine art.

Complete responses should include examples to support statements made in the essay.

Provide a background of the firm, industry, economy, and outlook for the future.Analyze the short term liquidity of the firm.

Fundamental financial analysis


Prepare an eight page or more fundamental financial analysis (excluding appendices, title page, abstract, and references page) that will cover each of the following broad areas based on the financial statements of your chosen company:

1. Provide a background of the firm, industry, economy, and outlook for the future.

2. Analyze the short term liquidity of the firm.

3. Analyze the operating efficiency of the firm.

4. Analyze the capital structure of the firm.

5. Analyze the profitability of the firm.

6. Conclude with recommendations for the future analysis of the company (trend analysis).

Writing the Final Paper

The paper

Eight double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style 7

Must utilize academic voice.

Provide the following for your IRP web research draft—six (6) entries each of which has the following

Paper detalis:




the scoring rubric for ASSIGNMENT 8 is a “Y/N” rubric—upload your draft file (doc,docx,pdf) to Canvas for full credit.



The Assignment:

Using Canvas file #022 as a model,  provide the following for your IRP web research draft—six (6) entries each of which has the following:

a) the phrase used in your successful google search,

b) news headline, pdf title, or web site name,

c) a working, complete URL, and

d) cut-and-paste relevant content.


Select one of the legislative acts (other than deregulation) that, in your opinion, was instrumental in shaping the aviation industry.Explain and support your identified legislative act.

Legislative acts

For this activity, you will select one of the legislative acts (other than deregulation) that, in your opinion, was instrumental in shaping the aviation industry.

You can select any legislative act, national or international, except for deregulation.

In your blog, explain and support your identified legislative act.

Your initial posts and responses to your classmates need to be thoughtful, thorough, and comprehensive.

This means your initial post needs to be about a paragraph and thoroughly explain your answer.

Additionally, include a properly formatted in-text citation and reference to support your position.

Explain what Stevenson shows readers about one cultural aspect of Victorian society through one of his works.

Historical Analysis

1000-1500 words

12 Font, Double Spaced

Times New Roman

MLA header, title, and formatting

Source Requirements:

1 Primary source (one story or the novel)

3 Secondary Sources (three articles)

MLA in-text citations

MLA Works Cited page

Compose a well-developed historical analysis in response to the following prompt:

Explain what Stevenson shows readers about one cultural aspect of Victorian society through one of his works.

For example, you may choose to discuss Stevenson’s portrayal of human nature or Stevenson’s portrait of high class society, sexuality, morality, or any other single cultural subject.